
Customer Testimonials

Mary Glynn

When I was ready to buy a different car, the dealership where I bought my car told me about this service and how my car would be paid for faster. That is really true, my car is getting paid for a lot faster making two payments a month instead of one. It is also nice that I could have payments set up with my pay schedule, which was very nice. Nice because I knew when I got paid the money would come out automatically. The whole experience of using PriorityPay Plus® has been very good!!

David F Donovan

Car Owner

PPP is convenient, reliable, and is a great way to pay off loans faster.

Francia Webb

Awesome Program

This is a great opportunity that allows payments to be made in lower portions without having a big chunk of your money taken at once. It allows freedom and lessens your worry of trying to remember to make your payments or writing checks and mailing payments off. I love it. I would recommend it to everyone.

Sheila Baker


This was a good company to work with. They deducted the money from my checking account for my car loan. When I did have to speak with a representative, they were always very polite and courteous.

Nancy R.

Database Administrator

This is easy. I have a 30 year mortgage that will be paid off in less than 20. No checks to write, no stamps to buy, and no late charges have been assessed. I am very happy with the service and they make adjustments to the payments that take effect immediately. They have been so nice when I have questions, they take time to answer all of my questions and make sure that I understand the answers. This service is well worth the price!

Pamela A Gsellman

PPP is great. It forces you to build equity and manage your priorities. I took out a 30 in 2003 and have less than 7 years left. I have not had any errors on their part and if I have a question they are always available.

Jessica Dunn

We have used PPP for many years now and they have helped us manage our debt payments and even shown us that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Their customer service is top notch and always reply back quickly and take care of my questions the first time.

DeJuan J Crawford

We're new to the program and so far it seems to be pretty good. We're looking forward to paying off our Mortgage early and I've been telling people at work about the Program. Your staff is very easy to work with via phone so thank you.

Aqueelah Pierce

I love PriorityPay Plus® because they give me that sense of comfort with the services I received from them.

Jerome R. Scott Jr.

License Marriage Family Therapist

I'm an extremely happy customer of PriorityPay Plus® for the past ten years. As a direct result of my membership, I have saved thousands of dollars in interest payment. In addition, my FICO score has increased significantly because of my on time payments. Currently, I'm scheduled to retire my mortgage within seven years. My on time payment history will allow my student loan to be forgiven in five years. I highly recommend anyone with long term debt to enroll in this awesome debt management. The staff at PPP are extremely professional. In fact, this company's standards of professionalism is exceptional. I have trusted them with managing my finances for over ten years.

Juanita J. Lavadie

My PriorityPay Plus® contact has been consistent over these past years. I can depend on her. She is prompt, courteous, knowledgeable and consistent with her expertise. She has saved me from many a problem with her skill that has made my mortgage managements so much better. Thank you.

Martha K

I have been using PPP since December 2012 and will continue to recommend it to everyone I know. Having them make my car payments has removed all the monthly stress associated with payments. They make the entire process easy and convenient, and they are a lot more reasonable than other institutions. Great job, great company and excellent and friendly staff!!

Siomara Rivera

PPP has excellent customer service. They have helped me achieve one of my greatest goals, to reduce the number of years on my mortgage. I will highly recommend PPP to anyone that is seeking to pay off their home and enjoy financial freedom.

Jessica Zarn

Medical laboratory technician

PPP has been very helpful in paying off my car loan. The automatic biweekly withdrawals directly from my checking account are extremely convenient. It was easy for me to reschedule my payments to correspond with my paydays. I even needed to delay a payment once and the customer service staff made it very easy to schedule it at a convenient time for me. I would definitely recommend PPP as a way of paying off debt or loans.

Timothy Lanterman

I have never had any issues with using this program ... Never wrote any check .... have successfully been on time and saved interest for my mortgage over the past years. I have also suggested and passed along the service to anyone I have talked to ...

Kim Gimblett

I am extremely pleased to have PPP in my corner. My payment is never late, I never have to worry. It takes the hassle out of bill paying. Thank you for your help!

Ellen Wheat


I highly recommend PPP. I have been using them for over 15 years for 2 different mortgages and have been completely satisfied. I have had to change the date of an automatic debit on several occasions and they always get it right. But, the best part is getting our mortgage paid down faster. Also, everyone is very friendly and helpful.

Jason Kamrath

Senior Accountant

This company is absolutely great! I signed up most of my monthly bills and now don't even have to think about it...and the bonus is seeing extra payments going out to pay things off quicker!

Chantel Johnson-Semien

Admin Asst.

PPP does a fantastic job in handling our business. I would highly recommend them to anyone. Thank you for being so professional.

DeLois Yates


Great job! My house payments are paid biweekly, not only reducing interest and applying more to principal, but making my payments affordable and cash for other expenses available. PriorityPay Plus® works with me in the event I need to skip a payment and they arrange things to get me back on track with my payment schedule, without falling behind! I highly recommend their services. Thank You PriorityPay Plus®!

Debra Stair


Great service and makes my life so much easier. Never have to worry about making payments or keeping records. If an issue arises the customer support has been fast and excellent. I recommend this service to everyone!

Michellee Spiller

Satisfied Customer

I have been an PPP client probably since 2003/2004 and have bought several vehicles since that time. I really like the fact that I do not have to worry about writing a check to pay my car note, The finance company gets their money before I get mine. Also, it helps you pay your vehicle off early. I have traded vehicles and gotten a nice refund from PPP which I took and applied to my new vehicle. I HIGHLY recommend PPP, it is a GREAT company to use.

Bay S.

Happy Customer

I love PPP! Setting up was quick, easy, and very convenient. I was recommended to them when I purchased my new vehicle for bi-weekly debit payments. This is very helpful for me and a great way for me to budget my funds. I have recommended to friends and family.